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American Made Scales
Pennsylvania Scales Model 7300HR 50 lbs x 0.005 lbs
Additional Images:
List Price: $1,015.00
Our Price: $929.00
Sale Price: $
Save $176.00!
50 lbs
0.005 lbs
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Technical Specs
Pennsylvania Scale 7300HR NTEP Bench Scale 50 x 0.005
Pennsylvania Scale has been a leading name in the scale industry for 100 years. This is a high quality scale made right here in America! This means no backorders, or waiting for shipments to arrive. This scale has a capacity of 50 lbs and readability of 0.005 lbs. It is NTEP approved Legal for Trade. The bright green LED display make this scale very user friendly. Call us today to place your order for the Pennsylvania 7300 Bench Scale!
Model 7300 Quick Calibration
Display: Very bright LED
Power source; 120V
Weighing Units: lb/ g
Platform size: 12" x 14"
Extra rugged and dependable.
Default settings for UPS Online, Clipper Ship, Fairbanks or Mettler Toledo emulation
option outputs for Ethernet, analog (0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA), standard RS-232, remote displays:
Better than the competition:
Heavy duty CAST base construction and standard resolution of 10,000 counts make our shipping/receiving/bench weighing scales the standard of the industry.
Proven PLUS+ Series universal Main Board technology - consistent design
4 Year Limited Warranty
Remote Displays - just plug and play
Standard Lbs/Kgs or choose any 2 weighing units
Programmable and flexible RS-232 (DB9 located in cavity under the scale) has default settings for UPS WorldShip (tm) and many other shipping systems
Optional Ball tops for shipping applications
Pennsylvania - Flexible, Dependable. Rugged Heavy Duty CAST base construction and standard resolution of 10,000 counts make our shipping/receiving/bench weighing scales outperform the competition! Includes Flexible RS-232 Port for your shipping software.
Extra rugged cast base, heavy duty construction
10,000 display counts in either of (2) weight units
Four Year Factory Limited Warranty.
Programmable RS-232 serial data interface standard ( 9-pin D-Sub female).